xinetd[#]: Deactivating service smtp due to excessive incoming connections. Restarting in 30 seconds.

This happened to a Plesk 8.x Linux (RH) server, the problem was that smtp service was up and running, and the queue was very light , but smtp wouldn’t accept any connections at port 25 even from localhost. In the /var/log/messages I saw this disturbing message: xinetd[#]: Deactivating service smtp due to excessive incoming connections. ...

How to check if some one is spamming from my server (Linux Plesk 8.x)

If you see a lot of smtp connections or your server gets constantly in spam black lists, maybe you should check if some bot spams through your server. The are 2 cases of spamming through a box: 1)using unsecure php forms that bots abuse 2)using smtp connection from an outside client this artice is about ...

How to send an email via telnet

Run the command telnet [host] port for example: -telnet mail.domain.tld 25 Right after the connection is established

How do i send emails from my Web Application ? (.NET & ASP)

here you can find various ways of sending emails with .NET 2 / .Net 1 CDONTS / Persist’s AspEmail / VB / PHP etc

Smtp Connections list

You can check what connection you have via smtp protocol with the simple command: netstat -a | grep smtp

How do I change the address Qmail (MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.tld) sends error messages to.

As By default Plesk administrator’s email address is listed in: