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We are now live on twitter thanx to Twitter Tools

Joomla 1.0.x jce WYSIWYG editors show me a dark backround 1

I just installed (actually re-installed) a WYSIWYG editor (jce) in a Joomla, and when I did activate it and try to check if its working by opening an article I saw 2 black/dark screens in the place of the text area, when I did Ctrl-A or mouse select I saw that the text was over ...

How To log apache errors to a custom file

Ever needed to solve a matter in your php website but you could not see the errors or didn’t have access to the error_log of your vhost? a workarround:

Mambo mosConfig_absolute_path exploit & solution

I know that not lots of people use mambo these days, and most of them upgraded to joomla 1.5 but in case you happen to have one hosted in your server, there is a known vulnerability , hack scripts using the mosConfig_absolute_path variable to load malicious code from other webhosts ,and that gives them the ...

IE8 Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?

IE8 Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?
For all of those you did upgrade Internet Explorer to latest 8.x version, I’m sure even for once you have face the “Security Warning” pop-up with “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?” when you used your Gmail or other accounts.

Windows FTP Passive Mode connection problem

iIf you use windows server 2003 or 2008 with windows ftp you have for sure face the annoying problem when a client tries to connect to his ftp account with Passive Mode and the ftp connection just hungs, so the only way out is to tell the client to use Active Mode (if he can ...