How to check if some one is spamming from my server (Linux Plesk 8.x)

If you see a lot of smtp connections or your server gets constantly in spam black lists, maybe you should check if some bot spams through your server. The are 2 cases of spamming through a box: 1)using unsecure php forms that bots abuse 2)using smtp connection from an outside client this artice is about ...

Connections check shell script

This is a very simple script to run and check how many connections each service (Apache,MySQL,SMTP (qmail)) has. You only have to fill this: {mysq_ladmin_pass} with your mysql administrator password. #!/bin/sh pass={mysq_ladmin_pass} echo “Apache Connections (port 80):” `netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l` echo “MySQL Connections (port 3306):” `mysqladmin -uadmin -p”$pass” processlist |wc -l` echo ...