Plesk (windows) backup gives the error: Failed to connect to database: User ‘admin’ has exceeded the ‘max_user_connections’ resource (current value: 10)

when you try to backup the databases of the websites from Plesk Backup util and you get failure and the message “Failed to connect to database: User ‘admin’ has exceeded the ‘max_user_connections’ resource (current value: 10)” you have to change the mysql options

xinetd[#]: Deactivating service smtp due to excessive incoming connections. Restarting in 30 seconds.

This happened to a Plesk 8.x Linux (RH) server, the problem was that smtp service was up and running, and the queue was very light , but smtp wouldn’t accept any connections at port 25 even from localhost. In the /var/log/messages I saw this disturbing message: xinetd[#]: Deactivating service smtp due to excessive incoming connections. ...

Smtp Connections list

You can check what connection you have via smtp protocol with the simple command: netstat -a | grep smtp

Connections check shell script

This is a very simple script to run and check how many connections each service (Apache,MySQL,SMTP (qmail)) has. You only have to fill this: {mysq_ladmin_pass} with your mysql administrator password. #!/bin/sh pass={mysq_ladmin_pass} echo “Apache Connections (port 80):” `netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l` echo “MySQL Connections (port 3306):” `mysqladmin -uadmin -p”$pass” processlist |wc -l` echo ...

APF Deny ALL for SSH Limit IP Connections

APF Deny ALL for SSH – Limit IP Connections APF firewall can deny ALL connections for ssh and allow only a single or select few of IPs to connect to your server. We’ll guide you through DENY ALL with APF firewall.