Modernbill 4.x & Windows Plesk API problem: Access is denied. (Error code 5) at Unable to connect to pipe

If you face this error: Access is denied. (Error code 5) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\psapipe , the solution is very easy

ERROR: PleskFatalException : Unable to remove hosting: SiteAppManager: Provided Client object is invalid. 2

ERROR: PleskFatalException Unable to remove hosting: SiteAppManager: Provided Client object is invalid. Solution: you have to login to psa’s database via MysqlQuery Browser or any other client you want and then the following steps

How to check if some one is spamming from my server (Linux Plesk 8.x)

If you see a lot of smtp connections or your server gets constantly in spam black lists, maybe you should check if some bot spams through your server. The are 2 cases of spamming through a box: 1)using unsecure php forms that bots abuse 2)using smtp connection from an outside client this artice is about ...

Checking if a server is under ddos attack

A quick and usefull command for checking if a server is under ddos is: netstat -anp |grep ‘tcp\|udp’ | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

What is a null route?

What is a null route? A null route is a route that goes to nowhere. The reason for creating a null route is to prevent your system from sending any data to a remote system.