Connections check shell script

This is a very simple script to run and check how many connections each service (Apache,MySQL,SMTP (qmail)) has. You only have to fill this: {mysq_ladmin_pass} with your mysql administrator password. #!/bin/sh pass={mysq_ladmin_pass} echo “Apache Connections (port 80):” `netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l` echo “MySQL Connections (port 3306):” `mysqladmin -uadmin -p”$pass” processlist |wc -l` echo ...

SSH vs Script Kiddies How-to Guide

Scope Some idiot created a SSH worm that uses a dictionary attack to try to log into a computer over port 22. The worm tries to set up shop on your computer and tries to find the next vulnerable computer. This clogs up networks with bazillions of SSH login attempts.