Show Full Path in Shell (bash)

Lets say you have to navigate to a long directory like /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.tld/httpdocs/myfolder/ etc even if you give the command “cd /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.tld/httpdocs/myfolder/” at your shell window you will see only your username and the last folder , something like “root /myfolder#” in order you view the full path without having to use the pwd command every ...

Connections check shell script

This is a very simple script to run and check how many connections each service (Apache,MySQL,SMTP (qmail)) has. You only have to fill this: {mysq_ladmin_pass} with your mysql administrator password. #!/bin/sh pass={mysq_ladmin_pass} echo “Apache Connections (port 80):” `netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l` echo “MySQL Connections (port 3306):” `mysqladmin -uadmin -p”$pass” processlist |wc -l` echo ...

Common SSH Commands – Linux Shell Commands

We’ve put together some of the more frequently used SSH commands or linux shell commands, and organized them by name so you can easily find a command, their description and how to use it. This guide will continue to be updated and should not be considered a complete list of SSH commands or linux shell ...